I am the Grim Reaper šŸ˜²

I was sitting near the river which was beautiful and serene as past 22 years of my life...

I am the middle child of my family ,so you perfectly know what my life is about.

We are 3 brothersĀ  who are justĀ  like our parents in medical field...I am in my third year of Medical school.

My elder brother is in his residency in Seattle, he plans to be a surgeon like Dad and my younger brother just got into uni for pre-med and he is also on the same path as us.

And I myself want to follow the footsteps of my mother and be a Neurologist.

We are second generation American Desi Indian's not the native/red Indian's ....( don't make the mistake of Columbus.....)has our parents were born and brought up in US.

I have been brought up very well with all the necessities met and also don't forget love from my family and friends. I amĀ  the kid of Endgame of the American Dream of my both setsĀ  of Grandparents.

July 12th 2018

Today I am leaving for a medical camp in South Korea for 10 days with my gang on my summer holidays ...perks of working with anĀ  NGOs.

I am a very practical person who believes in working hard for what you want, serving people who are in need of help .

After 1 hour

Finally we are in our parents private plane all my friends were so hyped for this camp and so dad lended us his plane because he is the director of this NGO but none of my friends about know it.....and yes my younger brother is also on this camp with me as my parents cctv , so........ it's going to be a hell of a ride .

July 14th 2018

All of us were exited and were having a hectic time in Seoul for past 2 days tomorrow we are leaving for a conference in jeju island tomorrow evening, so all the guys have planned a outing of Seoul city today with the local medico's we met here as our guides.

It's 2 in the morning we have been to series of soju places and karaoke bars all night.

All the guys in our group are flirting with the local girls and boys...on the other handĀ  my oneĀ  and only little brother has left me here in a corner to check his luck with a trainee idol who we met at theĀ  last soju place ,with her was a male trainee of whom the whole group is fawning for and even boys are over him...I know I Know what you are thinking..and yes you are right he looks just like a main character of a boy love story, and I also think he is cute ,but if I voice it out my not so desi mom will have her desi weapons in her hand so this will beĀ  our little secret, hye but not in a wrong way you dirty mind..

I heard a beautiful voice which broke my thoughts ,it was a beautiful trainee whose name Kim joo she was very pretty and I also heard that the trainee group was here to celebrate her selectionĀ  for a minor role in one of kdrama with Lee Dong Wook in lead. I had no idea who he was but the hype the girls created was huge... the whole group was acting like they have seen a minor god and are spending time with them,I am still confused what the hype is about.

( So can you shed a little light on it).

Suddenly my brother pointed his finger towards me from the other end of the room ..... shoutingĀ 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  "Grim Reaper".

What! ! what the heck is a Grim Reaper ?

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